Hello, readers. I apologize for my recent (and not so recent) absence. I truly have gotten preoccupied in other things and seem to never write down my thoughts, or what's new. So, here it goes.
Tomorrow is the ever glorified, ever dreaded, February 14th. Valentine's day. For some reason Valentine's Day seems to always skip my thought process until the day is finally upon us. I look forward to other holidays, but this one always seems to escape me. I feel like I never truly see the big deal. For one thing, as many of us know too well, Valentine's Day is rigged. It's set up to hold high those who are in a relationship, and point out those who are not. The stigma that's been created and upheld is that, for women especially, to be complete and the best you can be, you must be in a relationship. You must have a man to call your own. And I'm sad to say I've fallen for that line. I still do. Every year a little part of me seems to wither up and die because I am not where I hoped I would be this year--happily in love. And a part of my self worth seems a bit betrayed knowing that no one-of the male species-cares enough for me to find me in any way appealing, or special.
But here's where things get tricky. Do you have to be in love to be happy? The answer, friends, is no. Because believe it or not, there is so much more to satisfy yourself in life than romance, and a boyfriend (or girlfriend for you gentlemen reading). As Christians, we have so much more to be happy about. We're redeemed, people! No more slummin' it. God has done the ultimate show of love for us and given us His most prized possession-His son. Oh, and He did this other nifty thing too and wrote us a love letter that has a whole lot more to say than "You're hot". It says "You're important to me", "I love you", "I want the best for you". I don't know about you, but for someone all knowing and all powerful to look at me and find worth and pleasure, that's a big freakin' deal. Romans 5:8 says "But God showed His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." I love it. While we were still sinners. Not when we got our act together or did the right things. God loves us in our darkest place, where we just want to hide in shame. As a parent you love your children when they're doing the right things and when they can't seem to do anything right. As a nanny, I love "my" kids when they're obedient and when they're having trying days. How much more does God love us? There is nothing we can do to make him walk away. If you're dating and things go awry, it's so easy to just say you're done. And in certain cases that may be the best decision. But God never quits on us. He will never break up with us and He will never decide that "He can do better".
Now, that being said, here is where I make my stand for all the single ladies. I am single. And there is a reason. Is it because no guy has ever expressed interest? Slightly true (Hey, having dystonia can be pretty intimidating). But it's also because God said I deserve the best. He gave me Jesus. He gave me salvation. And if I deserve the best, why should I waste my time on "okay"? I don't want an okay relationship, or a relationship for the sake of having one. I want the real deal. The one I'm supposed to have. The one that God wants me to have. God's a pretty good matchmaker. So I've decided to trust Him to put me where I need to be, and put my future husband where He needs to be when He sees fit.
So where does that leave you? If you're in a relationship, and you feel that's where you're supposed to be, good for you! I pray nothing but blessings for you. If you're feeling like a relationship will make you better, I hope I can encourage you and tell you that you are special and you are worth so much more than just adequate. For you, I pray that God will show you His love and that you can see yourself through His eyes. If you're not in a relationship, I hope you can spend this Valentine's Day knowing you are loved and cared for. All you single ladies out there, I hope you'll let the love of God fill your heart in a way that no man could. All you guys out there, I hope you're taking notes. Jesus set the bar pretty high as far as acts of love. I pray you'll strive to be more like Jesus and one day learn to love a woman the way Christ loves the church. And Future Husband, wherever you are, suit up, keep growing and I'll see you later.
Ever yours, Josslyn